경로 홈아이콘 경로 화살표 TRICONTINENT 경로 화살표 Product
Multiwash III Microplate Washer
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Multiwash III Microplate Washer (Microtiter Plate Washer)
- 8 Port / 12 Port

1. Resolution : 10uL
2. Accuracy @ 300uL : < +/- 3%
3. Precision @ 300uL : < 3% C.V.
4. Min. residual volume : <1mL per well (typically)
5. Max. dispense volume : 50uL to 400uL with standard manifold
   (per well)                             : 50uL to 1990uL with 8-port coaxial manifold
                                                    : 50uL to 1650uL with 12-port coaxial manifold
6. Processing time : 180 seconds (8-port)
   (full plate)                 120 seconds (12-port)           
7. Max. number of cycles : 10
8. Programs : 50
9. Fluid reservoir capacity : Wash, Rinse and Waste 2 liters each
10. Liquid contact materials : Glass, Nylon, Polyethylene, Tygon, Teflon, Delrin, 
                                      Santoprene,Polypropylene, Stainless Steel

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